Paperback and E-Book Icon

Paperback & E-Book Cover Design £495*

Our aim is to grab people’s attention for your book as a quick glance could be all your paperback or e-book cover gets. This is why we don’t encourage clients to have specific scenes or characters recreated on their covers. No paperback or e-book can be summarised with just one scene. It’ll be more costly to attempt and probably less effective. Our book cover design service is not an online click-and-buy solution. Your book deserves more than that, which is why we prefer face to face meetings where possible. This could be done via Skype or in the flesh if it’s practical for both sides, but we’re happy to work by phone or email if that’s your preference. This service includes the six items below:

2 Draft Designs Icon

At least 2 draft designs based on your brief for the front cover

Library Images Icon

Royalty free library images if required**

Face to Face Icon

Face-to-face meeting
(North West only)

Unlimited Changes Icon

Unlimited changes
(within reason)

Ebook Ready Icon

Image ready to upload for E-Books

Image Retouching Icon

Modest image retouching

PDF Icon

PDF for Paperback cover
(e.g. CreateSpace or Lightning Source)

3D-Render Icon

3D Render for Marketing purposes

Barcode Icon

Barcode generation from your ISBN number